Quick Tricks to Ready Your Home

Once you know what equipment will be in your house and where your son or daughter will be the most, use these handy tips to help you, your nurse and your family stay organized and ready for action. 

  • Gather commonly used toiletries and supplies, and keep them close to your child.
    • Diapers
    • Baby wipes
    • Paper towels
    • Scissors
    • Over-the-counter medications
    • Stethoscope
    • Thermometer
    • Feeding supplies (bottles, bottle brush, water pitcher with straw)
    • Exam gloves
    • Hand sanitizer
  • Keep lifesaving equipment, such as an Ambu bag or handheld ventilator, at the bedside.
  • Hang a dry erase board nearby for nurses and other care providers to communicate with you if needed.
  • Use things such as shower caddies, shoe organizers that hook on a door or plastic bins to organize medical equipment.
  • Position a chair, as well as a trashcan with extra bags, near your child’s bed for your nurse. Nurses will need adequate space near the bed to lift the child and handle medical equipment.
  • Have a six-way electrical outlet strip with surge protection nearby.
  • Place a laundry basket nearby for soiled clothes and towels. 
  • A two-way baby monitor or other camera system that connects to your smartphone can help you monitor your child while you are out of the room.